Distinguishing between audio and video in music playlists
Hi all,
if I issue an "Files.GetDirectory" for the directory "special://musicplaylists", I get all playlists in "userdata/music" and "userdata/mixed", latter supporting (music) video files as well.
Is there a way to distinguish between those playlists that contain only music and those that contain video as well? Or at least between the "music" and "mixed" paths?
I tried the "media" parameter, did not help.
Thanks in advance,
Kodi Music Remote for iOS, the remote control for music lovers - http://kodimusicremote.com
Not a dev, but would like to point you to this thread.


There's currently some development going on concerning mixed playlists and you might add some input there.

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Distinguishing between audio and video in music playlists0