How Do You Support Kodi Remotely?
Hi chaps and chapesses

Well I guess the title says it all Smile

I've decided to take the plunge and give my old man a spare windows 7 hdmi laptop preconfigured with Kodi. Angel

I am going to set it up before I send out to him with the remote, (Ortek, vrc 1100 with eventghost), addons etc

The main aim is so he can watch streaming UK channels and world sports (we both live in the UK). Am not going to set him up with ripped movies, nas or anything like that.

I'll config the laptop with Teamviewer so I can remote in as required (I live over 200 mles away) but was just wondering of other peoples experiences with setup/supportability etc. Any pitfalls I should be wary about (excluding loosing my own hair when giving telephone support to aging parents Tongue )

Cheers and thanks all
Confusion is just a state of mind.
I use SSH with Linux. Although, I really just use it to work on my devices from my couch. I'd probably use VNC if I need a screen.

Your biggest obstacle will be forwarding the correct ports on the router (assuming you are not visiting) and actually teaching him how to navigate the device.

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