Getting all compilation albums
Hi all,
is there a way to get all albums that are compilations (same view as Music -> Database -> Compilations), or determine whether an album is a compilation, via Kodi?
Thanks in advance,
Kodi Music Remote for iOS, the remote control for music lovers -
well, if all your music is tagged with MusicBrainz Picard they will automatically be categorized as Compilations if they are. Thereby also appear in the compilations section in Kodi. MusicBrainz Picard will give your compilations the right album ID and is also a great tool for updating all your music with the correct ID3v2. At the same time you can update your music to version 2.4 supporting future info tags like moods, occacion etc...
Hi Lappskij,
thanks for your answer, sounds interesting!

However, sorry I actually meant "how to get them via JSON RPC", not "via Kodi"...
In Kodi everything is fine, the albums are tagged correctly (can also see this when looking at the raw SQL database)

Kodi Music Remote for iOS, the remote control for music lovers -
I'm using now "Files.GetDirectory" for the path "musicdb://compilations/". But does not feel like this is the official way of doing so...
Kodi Music Remote for iOS, the remote control for music lovers -

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Getting all compilation albums0