Animated gifs
Does anyone know how I can get animated gifs working in the hybrid skin?

I have got it Working in the origanal confluence skin but can't get it to work on hybrid.

Thanks for any help
The file for the backgrounds is "IncludesCommonMedia.xml"

How did you get animations to work in Confluence?
Noli illegitimi carborundum

Hi added gif extension to advancedsettngs.xml (not sure if this is needed or not) then I loaded the default confluance skin and set the background to aanimated gif file and it worked straight away.
You should be able to do the exact same for Hybrid, You might have to set each menu item background.
Noli illegitimi carborundum

I have tried that but the animations do not play it just loads as a normal image.
Did you try using the multi-image and point to the folder that your image is in ?
Noli illegitimi carborundum

yeah i tried that an no joy. i have been able to get animated backgrounds by splitting gifs into single jps per frame and then adding to kodi as multi image.

i needed to adjust the speed per image shown in the "IncludesCommonMedia.xml"

it does work with basic animations but cant use to many files as it does not work properly and stutters.

i have used an animation with 7 images and looks ok.

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