Can You Copy Bookmarks To Another Pi
I'm trying to find out how to copy bookmarks from one Pi to another. I have a NAS with 4 Pi's connected, this is great for content because I just dump it to the NAS and it's pushed out to all 4 Pi's. However the individual system administration is daunting, it's not often, but each time I make a system change to one Pi I have to manually do it to the other three.

However my issue here is I have a few cartoon shows that run two episodes per file. I've set them up in multi-episode format and am using episode bookmarks to split them up for easy navigation. This is rather time consuming, and my hope is that there's a way when I finish on one Pi I can copy these episode bookmarks to the other Pi's any suggestions?
Setting up a shared mySQL database for your library should do the trick I think. Have a look at the wiki to see if that might serve your purpose.

Wow yeah that looks like the best solution to my overall issue. I'll do some research into that setup.

However in the meantime, if there's a way to just move the bookmarks for now I'm interested as the SQL solution is going to take some serious prep.
Can't think of any solution right now that wouldn't be even more of a hassle. You cold maybe play around with exporting the library on the deivce that you make your changes in and then reimport it on all the other devices. But I am really not sure wether that also exports and imports bookmarks. Maybe somebody else has a better idea.

Honestly, I would just make setting up that mysql db as my first priority before doing anything else with regards to kodi. At least thats what I would if I had to run several Kodi devices in the same household. Managing individual Kodi setups without one would seem like a complete headache to me. Smile

EDIT: Maybe someone else that uses a shared mysql library can confirm that it actually does share bookmarks. Just to be on the safe side. Although I am pretty sure it does.
Yep, bookmarks are shared just fine with MySQL (just tested with Kodi 15 build).
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
Depending on your NAS, it might have support built in for a MySQL database, so it might not be too difficult to get a database server up and running.

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Can You Copy Bookmarks To Another Pi0