Android Unable tu update to 14.2rc

I'm running KODI 14.1 on my Minix X7 androis box and I want to update it to 14.2 but when I download the apk file and want to install it, I just return to Home screen without any update bein processed !!!
I try to update different way without any success Sad
What can I do to update my kodi Huh

Are you getting to the point where it asks if you want to install the new Kodi version, or is it just downloading and then saying nothing?
Nothing happen Sad
- I open web page with chrome to download file
- I click on downloaded file
- nothing happen except return to android home screen !!!
When I open Kodi.... it's still 14.1 version....

I try also with an Android app called XBMC updater ... ans still same behavior... download ok, but nothing happen when I want to opne the file Sad

Very strange...


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Unable tu update to 14.2rc0