Unable to play video from Playon
I am using the latest openelec builds from Milhouse and am trying to setup Playon on my Windows computer to allow playback of Amazon Instant Video. I can browse the library, however when I click to play video I get an error message after about 30 seconds. It will eventually play if I keep selecting the video over and over again (sometimes plays after as few as 3 tries, but typically takes more than 10). Once the video starts, it plays the video file without any problem. If I load Amazon in a browser on my Windows computer it plays instantly. I can't figure out if it is an issue with Playon, Kodi, network, etc. The Windows computer and RPi are side by side plugged directly into the router (no wireless). The RPi plays all HD content on my windows share without any issues. It looks like the RPi is timing out before the video stream is created. Is there anything that can be added to the advancedsettings.xml, or elsewhere, that can increase the timeout time to force the RPi to wait for Playon?
And the error message said...?

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Unable to play video from Playon0