Release Mini Guide for manual Suspend of RPi and Auto Standby of TV using HDMI-CEC control
Edit: Seems I have jumped the gun and am actually using a OpenElec Kodi 15 Alpha2 - Isengard testbuild that allows manual Suspend.
The Official OpenElec distributions do no support the manual Suspend feature.

It seems for some reason there are quite a few users that want to save every known Watt of power by Suspending their RPi's even though the device is such a power efficient little devil in the first place and can be left on 24/7. Its very likely previous ways of thinking to save power, carried over from the power hungry HTPC era.

I have already written a guide detailing how to use a FLIRC IR receiver and a Harmony remote to manually Suspend an RPi and it ended up being pretty bloody complicated for NOOBS to wrap their head around. This does works on official OpenElec Kodi distros.

As Kermit the frog once said "Its not Easy being Green !"

The Simple Manual Solution using any remote control:

1. Add-ons > All Addons > Program Add-Ons > Keymap Editor > Install
2. In Kodi > Programs > Program Add-Ons> Keymap Editor > Edit > Global > System > Suspend > and pick the Remote button of your liking > Save

**Disclaimer ** - works on Kodi Isengard only.

Sorted ! Smile

Auto TV Standby using HDMI-CEC control:

1.When your RPi is left running at idle, pick a time before it Auto suspends....
- Kodi > Settings > Appearance > Screensaver > Screensaver Time > choose (mine is set to 60 mins)

2. Kodi > Settings > System > Input Devices > Peripherals > CEC Adapter:
(*** Note if CEC Adapter is not listed in Peripherals you will need to reboot your RPi. Your TV may also not be HDMI-CEC compatible.)

- Enabled > Enable
- Make Kodi active source when starting > Enable
- Devices to Power on when starting Kodi > TV or anything else particular to your setup
- Devices to Power off when stopping Kodi > TV or......
- Send inactive source command when stopping Kodi > Enable
- Put devices in standby mode when activating screensaver > Enable
- Wake devices when deactivating screensaver > Enable
- Put devices in Standby mode when putting the PC in standby > Enable

I hope this may help some users. Smile


Which Pi distributions support Suspend? There is an experimental feature ("Virtual Suspend") that isn't in all official distributions (not official OpenELEC, for instance)
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
Yes you right M, I forgot I was running an OpenElec Kodi 15 Alpha2 - Isengard testbuild.
This Suspend feature works well I must say.

The official OpenElec 5.0.6 distro will not allow me to Suspend.
Time to Edit the Guide.


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Mini Guide for manual Suspend of RPi and Auto Standby of TV using HDMI-CEC control0