blu ray + DVD
Does kodi supports full blu ray and DVD ?

i have made some blu-ray and DVD myself, it includes a sort move when starting up the blu-ray, than a selection of a menu will follow.
each menu selection has a movie. So i cannot convert it to mkv

Im now running mediabrowser , with an extra programm to run these blu -ray and DVD , which i have on the HDD

i tested xbmc 1 year ago , but i did not get this running. I started up the blu-ray and i did not get the menus of the blu-ray, only the movies .
So i hoped kodi now includes it all

Does somebody know this
from my understanding it doesn't you'd need 3rd party players - to be honest I don't use them, so someone else will prob. suggest the best way forward.
DVD = yes (you save as an iso if you don't want to use stubs and load disc all the time)
BD = yes/no (although limited to unencrypted formats and menu is hit and miss)

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