How to connect Bluetooth adaptor/Ps3 controllers?
apt-get is just the package manager of debian based distros. You won't have apt-get on fedora or archlinux for example.
there are no ready builds at the moment, afaik.
You can checkout how to build openelec on your own:

Or you have to wait until anyone releases a new build with retroplayer integrated.
(2015-04-01, 21:31)a1rwolf Wrote: apt-get is just the package manager of debian based distros. You won't have apt-get on fedora or archlinux for example.
there are no ready builds at the moment, afaik.
You can checkout how to build openelec on your own:

Or you have to wait until anyone releases a new build with retroplayer integrated.

Which seems to indicate that I have to have an OS already installed to do all of this...

Let me put it this way. I have no trouble installing OpenElec again... Is there a package for Retroplayer that I can install after I've done that? That's the part I do not understand. How do I get RetroPlayer installed after I have a working version of OpenElec?
As you can compile programs you can also cross-compile whole systems (like OpenELEC).
You can use your favourite distribution for that.

Clone the OpenELEC source:

Then read the article I posted before on how to compile your own OpenELEC version.
You have to modify the OpenELEC source in order to insert a custom kodi version:

The point is that you don't add a custom kodi version after having a working OpenELEC - you must create your own OpenELEC with the right kodi version.
This is kind of what led me to android instead. I still have openelec running in the room with the bigger tv and avr, but I game on a Nexus Player with no avr in my bedroom with dualshock3 controllers. Sideload the sixaxis app and it was done. Using them over bluetooth breaks the oem remote, but if I ever get my mk808 stick and it performs the same I'll probably ebay the nexus anyway

Hoping the upcoming release has an android apk as well Wink For now I'm happily running Kodi and switching back and forth between limelight and retroarch. Retroplayer will be more fun, but adding things to openelec isn't really my strong suit. I could build it, but I wouldn't know where to start at adding the right combination of things to get the ps3 controllers working. Then there's kodibuntu, which I'd also settle for but little things like getting my pulse eight cec adapter working trip me up. Android's easier for linux newbs I suppose

All that being said, if anyone has a working OpenELEC + Bluetooth PS3 controller setup I'd like to know what you did. I'd be happy to follow it, and it would bring a lot more enjoyment to retroplayer (for me at least) when it is released
I guess it will just take some time. I compiled the latest retroplayer branch yesterday - when input is working I'll rebase my libretro-gl stuff.
Having this ready I may try to get an OpenELEC build for it.
As I have two ps3 controllers myself, there's a chance I'll try getting those working too - for now I use a standard xbox360 usb controller which works out of the box for me.
(2015-04-02, 07:51)a1rwolf Wrote: I guess it will just take some time. I compiled the latest retroplayer branch yesterday - when input is working I'll rebase my libretro-gl stuff.
Having this ready I may try to get an OpenELEC build for it.
As I have two ps3 controllers myself, there's a chance I'll try getting those working too - for now I use a standard xbox360 usb controller which works out of the box for me.

Well, I'm up a creek now. My 7yr old just found the "Games" section of XBMC. "Make it work Papa!" so I'm going to have to figure something out soon! lol
(2015-04-01, 21:35)CharlieMopps Wrote: How do I get RetroPlayer installed after I have a working version of OpenElec?

Check out this git branch:
this one is probably most easy to compile right now. Stick to the official kodi compile howto there is not much difference.

*edit: This thread is not about ps3 bluetooth connection anymore maybe it would make sense to start a new thread for unrelated questions
(2015-04-02, 13:44)Dippo Wrote:
(2015-04-01, 21:35)CharlieMopps Wrote: How do I get RetroPlayer installed after I have a working version of OpenElec?

Check out this git branch:
this one is probably most easy to compile right now. Stick to the official kodi compile howto there is not much difference.

*edit: This thread is not about ps3 bluetooth connection anymore maybe it would make sense to start a new thread for unrelated questions

I don't think I need a new thread, because I think you just answered my question :-p
I renamed the thread to make it more clear.
(2015-04-02, 14:19)CharlieMopps Wrote:
(2015-04-02, 13:44)Dippo Wrote:
(2015-04-01, 21:35)CharlieMopps Wrote: How do I get RetroPlayer installed after I have a working version of OpenElec?

Check out this git branch:
this one is probably most easy to compile right now. Stick to the official kodi compile howto there is not much difference.

*edit: This thread is not about ps3 bluetooth connection anymore maybe it would make sense to start a new thread for unrelated questions

I don't think I need a new thread, because I think you just answered my question :-p
That doesn't really help because it doesn't address the ps3 controller issue. You can already just download the 13.2 test builds from a year ago. You still have to poke a few more things into it to get sixaxis going

(2015-04-02, 07:51)a1rwolf Wrote: As I have two ps3 controllers myself, there's a chance I'll try getting those working too - for now I use a standard xbox360 usb controller which works out of the box for me.

I have a wireless x360 controller and game pad as well. Open elec already merged the better drivers (from steam I think) that fix the flashing ring and everything. Wireless works great. The built in rechargeable batteries of the ps3 dualshocks have held up better for me. The rechargeable battery of the 360 pad is crapped out already and I have to put in AA batteries. Plus the layout itself is interior to the ds3 layout IMO, and it's not Bluetooth Wink
Controllers are not the only problem.
If you manage to get the retroplayer13.2 branch in, you still have to get the libretro-cores built in too Wink
(2015-04-02, 15:31)a1rwolf Wrote: ... you still have to get the libretro-cores built in too Wink

Built in libretro-core repository seemed to work fine a few days ago.
(2015-04-03, 09:03)Dippo Wrote:
(2015-04-02, 15:31)a1rwolf Wrote: ... you still have to get the libretro-cores built in too Wink

Built in libretro-core repository seemed to work fine a few days ago.

OK I did not try them, just wanted to point out it may need to be integrated into a custom OpenELEC build.
Some of the more common Ps3 controller clones, particularly ones made by ShanWan will not work with the current BlueZ. (check what appears in dmesg when you plug it in)

Szymon Janc one of the BlueZ developers has developed a patch to blueZ that does make these work and I'm currently using it successfully in my system:

This to my knowledge is not yet committed to the blueZ mainline, I think he's awaiting some more testing on some other controller types before committing so it's necessary to apply the patch yourself and compile blueZ

I believe Gasia made controllers are more likely to work

thanks for providing the link. I tried to apply the path since it doesn't seem to be present in the latest blueZ release. I have a Shanwan controller and it seems that blueZ
is able to see it. I applied both patches, the controller connects, but pairing still fails:

[CHG] Device 01:B6:AD:7F:63:25 Connected: yes
[PLAYSTATION(R)3 Controller]# pair 01:B6:AD:7F:63:25
Attempting to pair with 01:B6:AD:7F:63:25
[agent] PIN code: 011489
[CHG] Device 01:B6:AD:7F:63:25 Connected: no

I'm always asked for a pin code, but I cannot enter a code using the controller?!

Can you post the patch that you have been using?



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How to connect Bluetooth adaptor/Ps3 controllers?0