Win Kodi on Amazon Fire Stick, stream from PC to TV? (Solved)
Hi all, I'm looking to stream from content from my PC to my TV using my Amazon Fire Stick -- I'd rather not grab a 30ft HDMI cable running across multiple hallways to accomplish this.

I have managed to get Kodi on my Amazon Fire Stick, but I'm not really sure where to go from there. I assume what I'm asking for is possible, but if I'm wrong please let me know!

Google search has failed me painfully for this task, so any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!
You probably want to use something like SMB (wiki)/Windows sharing or UPnP (wiki). Then you can add the file share to Kodi that is running on the Fire TV stick: adding video sources (wiki)
Oh, built-in function. Well now don't I just feel stupid. xD

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction! Got both to work but Samba is a bit easier to use so will probably stick with that. Thank you!

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Kodi on Amazon Fire Stick, stream from PC to TV? (Solved)0