DVDPlayer with system defined decoders?
Sorry for noobing...

I need to use Kodi, because in previous XBMC i suffer if switching tv programms in full screen hangs and crashs the box.
Buy there is no support of CrystalHD acceletration in Kodi.

Kodi with DSPlayer for movie watching - great, but IPTV is not recomended with DSPlayer...Actually i tried, but with issues.
So, would it be possible to force DVDPlayer in Kodi to use system defined video decoders if i could force them to use crystalhd decoder with a merit, for example?

Perhps other workarounds exists ho to use crystalhd in Kodi/Windows7?

Not possible. Kodi dvdplayer uses the in build ffmpeg library. So no chance to use external decoders. Kodi is multi platform and it would be very complex to handle external
decoders for every platform.

Only the great dsplayer branch is capable to use external decoders. As you said it works for most sources but it's not error free yet.
(2015-05-10, 17:47)alicks Wrote: Hi.
Sorry for noobing...

I need to use Kodi, because in previous XBMC i suffer if switching tv programms in full screen hangs and crashs the box.
Buy there is no support of CrystalHD acceletration in Kodi.

Kodi with DSPlayer for movie watching - great, but IPTV is not recomended with DSPlayer...Actually i tried, but with issues.
So, would it be possible to force DVDPlayer in Kodi to use system defined video decoders if i could force them to use crystalhd decoder with a merit, for example?

Perhps other workarounds exists ho to use crystalhd in Kodi/Windows7?


Why don't you use IPTV with DVDPlayer and DSPlayer with other content? This is all defined in the DSPlayer set-up guide.

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DVDPlayer with system defined decoders?0