Lost Database; Change File Add Method
I lost my database, long story. But I'm curious, now that I'm going to be starting from scratch, is there a way to have Kodi scan in the videos in the order of the date modified section of the folders? (each movie is in it's own folder) So, that way it would add the files in the order of the folder date modified or date created? That way newer added videos would be in the recently added section.

I did some searching around on the foums and couldn't find anything solid, so any assistance would be muchly appreciated.

It does this anyway
The normal process is to use the "file modified" time as the date added. There was a bug when adding from an ntfs (windows) source that has since been fixed. There are advanced settings available to use current time or the newer of file modified or created time.

scott s.

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Lost Database; Change File Add Method0