Kore on android hangs at connecting screen for remote
When using kore to select streaming content from a plug-in such as Salts from the synced library list, the play command is sent to kodi. If the plug in pops up a dialog that requires input before it starts playing the content, kore gets stuck and just says "connecting" on all screens. If I kill the app and relaunch it I can use the remote to select the appropriate option and continue.

This happens regardless of whether or not you have kore set to auto lunch the remote on playback.

If you need an adb/kodi log or anything please let me know and I'll provide it.
This looks like an issue with Kodi's TCP listener thread, when there are dialog boxes shown.

Try this: In Kore go into the media center settings and uncheck the "Use tcp" checkbox, and see if this still happens.
This setting is disabled by default. Changing it to enabled doesn't stick so I think it prefers UDP if available.

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Kore on android hangs at connecting screen for remote0