Android Wear support
Firstly, thank you. Your app is awesome and I use it all the time, I'm really glad you decided to follow Kodi's philosophy and made your app open source. I just wanted to ask is Android Wear support is in your plans, it'd be really useful. I'm aware another app offers support, so it's feasible. Thank you again!
It probably will at some time in the future, but i need to get a watch first, and none of the current options really appeals to me. Maybe the Moto 2 (720?).
Oh, great. It seems that the new Moto 360 (720? Moto One? Big Grin) is in the works I got the original 360 on sale. Can't wait for the update!
I'd be interested in ideas of what you'd like to do on the watch. I have backed the pebble time and its not impossible I get an cheap android wear for fun so might be able to help if there are fun ideas Smile
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"Well Im gonna download the code and look at it a bit but I'm certainly not a really good C/C++ programer but I'd help as much as I can, I mostly write in C#."
(2015-05-22, 18:40)topfs2 Wrote: I'd be interested in ideas of what you'd like to do on the watch. I have backed the pebble time and its not impossible I get an cheap android wear for fun so might be able to help if there are fun ideas Smile

Well, for me implementing the basic remote control buttons would be more than enough (Back, play/plause, stop, ...). If I wanted to browse my library I'd resort to my mobile phone rather than my watch.
The 360's black model is on sale in Amazon!

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