Empty plot when scraping movie
I have chosen Swedish as wanted language for the plot text and when I scrape a movie which has a Swedish translation for the plot, it will be saved in the .info file and it is visible in the text box in the detailed view when scraping a movie.
However when I click on a movie in the list of movies the plot text box is empty which is not what I expect.
I guess it is connected with the text coding but I don't know what to do about it.

I have tried to search for this problem but I'm not sure what to look for.
Any error in log file?
There is only on error in the todays error log file. It looks like this:
2015-05-29 07:09:57.4030 EmberAPI.NFO EmberAPI.NFO.RenameToInfo 1 ERROR RenameToInfo "EXCEPTION OCCURRED:System.IO.IOException: Det gick inte att slutföra åtgärden eftersom en fil redan finns i sökvägen Z:\Film.HD\Transformers - De besegrades hämnd\Transformers(2).info.
vid Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FileSystem.EnsurePathNotExist(String Path)
vid Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FileSystem.RenameFile(String file, String newName)
vid EmberAPI.NFO.RenameToInfo(String sPath)* vid Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FileSystem.EnsurePathNotExist(String Path)
vid Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FileSystem.RenameFile(String file, String newName)
vid EmberAPI.NFO.RenameToInfo(String sPath)"
I removed all files in the directory (except for the movie) and rescraped it. I still do not see the plot text even if I can see it in the info-file. I have provided the info-file here.
Any idea for my problem?
Tested and yes, there is an illegal character in your NFO inside the <encodedsettings> node.

Please download MediaInfo, open your videofile and upload the XML view of the fileinfo to pastebin.com.

As workaround: remove the <encodedsettings> **** </encodedsettings> node in your *.info file, rename it to *.nfo and press F5 on the movie in Embers media list.
I have upploaded data on pastebin.com.
The XML tags are in swedish... is that correct?
I found another workaround. I right clicked on a movie where I could not see any plot text and selected (Re)scrape selected Movies->Automatic->NFO Only.
After that I can see the plot text.
Is there a way to secure that this is done when I scrape the movie the first time?

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Empty plot when scraping movie0