Kodi only plays english audio
Ive had my HTPC in the living room for a few weeks since my basement tv has been to service. In the livingroom I have watched big hero 6 with norwegian audio without problems. But when I try to play norwegian audio on this movie back in the basemenet, Kodi doesnt change the audio when I choose something other than english...
If I choose norwegian in the menu and go back to the movie, the audio is still english. If I then go into the menu again the audio is set back to english.Same with the the text.

Does anybody have a solution for this?
It's not clear if the media has some problem (either corrupt subs, or lacking) or this is a genuine issue with Kodi (not a lot of complaints in this regard). MKVmerge used on this video will show you if the file is good and allow you to specify which audio as default. At least that might tell you if the issue is a Kodi issue. Changing the sub titles, is an entirely different matter, if the sub is internal, then you should be able to see it with the above tool. External subs such as an .srt file can be either added from a 3rd party add-on or downloaded and placed with the source. To go further with this we need a proper debug log (wiki) linked back to this thread.
Thanks for the answer. Ill test the link you provided and post the results here.
I went down to the basement now to try the link but now kodi plays the other audio and subtitles witouth problems. I havent done anything so Im not sure why it works now, but as long as it works Im happySmile
Me too..Smile

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Kodi only plays english audio0