WASPI and AC3 support
A newbie here and have searched the forums to find a solution to by issue before i decided to post a new thread.

Ive been experimenting with Kodi for a while now and currently runs the latest beta version of Kodi on my windows 8.1 PC. My issue is that when i play certain AC3 audio file could notice that the audio pass through wouldn't work. I tried to isolate this issue and have observed that this issue happens when i use WASAPI. The moment i change to directsound the audio pass-through works. This happens only with certain AC3 files and I was wondering if we have a solution for this issue. If not, do we have an option wherein only for AC3 the kodi use Directsound and for rest of the format it uses WASAPI. I dont want to move away from WASAPI as it gives me a better audio quality. any suggestions would be much appreciated


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