CEC control
Hello, I have a new OpenELEC device (CuboxTV) which supports CEC and a TV that also supports CEC. In the TV (Sony Bravia), the device is recognised and in Kodi it also appears as recognised. When booting the device, the TV turns on, which indicates me that CEC works. However, it is the only thing that works, as when I try to use the arrows in the remote controller it does not do anything and it seems like if the remote is working with the TV instead of Kodi.

Can someone give me some hint on what is missing or how to solve it?

Thank you in advance!
There may be some setting in the TV which needs changing to send signals over the CEC link.
You'd need to look at the manual for the TV to see what they call things, as it may not appear as CEC.
Usually, as soon as you establish the link, the basic things like arrows will work, even if some of the over buttons don't.
Hello and thank you for your reply.
In the TV the CEC was enabled and even recognised, so that was not the problem (I think).

Now, I have found in the manual that only few features are available:

Quote:HDMI control functions
• Turns the connected equipment off interlocked with
the TV.
• Turns the TV on interlocked with the connected
equipment and automatically switches the input to
the equipment when the equipment starts to play.
• If you turn on a connected audio system while the
TV is on, the input switches to the audio from the
audio system.
• Adjusts the volume and mutes the sound of a
connected audio system.

So it seems that some other features, like using arrows, will not work on this TV (although I thought that it was a basic functionality). Is there any way to force them by software?

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