Win Playing ripped DVD/Blu-ray with Kodi - Metadata
I have installed the latest Kodi.

I have not started using it yet, but I am told it plays my ripped DVD/Blu-ray movies (some are .AVI and .MP4 format)

If I add my ripped DVD/Blu-ray movies files into the Kodi Movie Library and play them from there, how does Kodi
scrape the Metadata from ripped DVD/Blu-ray movie files? How will Kodi know which movie I am playing and be able to grab
the Metadata such as the Movie Name?

I am told that Kodi "scrapes" the metadata such as the movie "summary", cover art etc but what if my DVD/Blu-ray rips
have no IMDB ID associated with each file?

I ask because I am using meyer64's Movie Poster software and it checks the metadata from Kodi to select which Movie Poster
to display.
File name. See Naming video files (wiki)
Thank you! Big GrinWink
So based on the image/screen shot below, regarding the particular format that they are mentioning here, if you choose this "folder naming" option, then the file name
can be any name you want? It looks like they are saying here that the folder naming convention is required but the file name can be what ever you want?
Correct, although I still name the file the exact same as the folder. I like it to look clean.
Or you can use something like Media Center Master to generate .nfo, fanart and rename files/folders, plus other things.
Media_Center_Master (wiki) || First_time_user (wiki) || Kodi Store || T-shirts: Villian, Protest, Graffiti, Emoji, Black on Black, K-18L

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Playing ripped DVD/Blu-ray with Kodi - Metadata0