How to find reality series
Just got a Minix neo 6 box so new to this. Trying to find episodes of reality series such as Ax Men, Chasing Classic Cars, Deadliest Catch, etc. (Not live streaming). Any help on where to look appreciated!
The store?
Kodi DOES NOT provide any content, it only organizes and plays what you already have the way you want it. It can be extended by add-ons that provide either additional features or give access to content from online sources, such as Youtube or media centers of websites. There are a bunch of add-ons available in our add-on repository (Options -> Add-ons -> Install from repository). However, all add-ons in there only provide legal free content or require a payed subscription (like BBC iPlayer). You won't find the latest movies or tv-shows there. If that's what you're after, then we can't help you. Unfortunately Kodi is being widely associated with bootleg content, but it's not Kodi that does provide this, but illegal third party add-ons that piracy websites and box sellers preinstall and advertise under our name (which we highly dislike). All this is not Kodi - Kodi is only the player, not the provider of content. So if you're after this, you have to look elsewhere.

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