Win Several issues

I've been using KodiSetup-20150807-5f938e2-master for a little while. Recently, seeing the ffmpeg bump, i decided to try new version. An issue in the Windows GUI interface made Kodi totaly unusable. But, seeing the recent commits, with one probably solving the issue, i tried the KodiSetup-20150920-498ec34-master version.
Some quick navigation, issue seemed solved, so i begin my no-regression tests on the dozen of test files i have.
Unfortunately, one failed : Subtitles on mp4 files are broken with KodiSetup-20150920-498ec34-master, they work fine with KodiSetup-20150807-5f938e2-master.
During my test, i encounter another issue. Unfortunately this last one is totaly random and unreproductible, so...
Nevertheless, i decided to take a look on my log file. Surprise !!
My log file was around 10Mbyte in size with around 1000000 of lines for 7 minutes of Kody use without even being in debug mode.
99.999% of the lines are the following :
21:17:23 T:708  NOTICE: Thread Timer start, auto delete: false
21:17:23 T:928   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: Couldn't resolve host name(6)
21:17:23 T:928   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 0 for
21:17:23 T:928   ERROR: XFILE::CFileCache::Open - failed to open source <>
21:17:23 T:928   ERROR: CRepositoryUpdateJob[] failed read checksum for directory ''
21:17:23 T:1264  NOTICE: Thread Timer start, auto delete: false
21:17:23 T:928   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: Couldn't resolve host name(6)
21:17:23 T:928   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 0 for
21:17:23 T:928   ERROR: XFILE::CFileCache::Open - failed to open source <>
21:17:23 T:928   ERROR: CRepositoryUpdateJob[] failed read checksum for directory ''
Kody is hammering like crazy ! This occurs several dozen of times by seconds, even with netwok disabled in settings, or at least i thought. If there is not such a total setting "No network/internet", it could be a usefull feature.

When network is disabled, i personnaly rather have Kody spend his CPU time playing my video, and not trying to acces network.

This ends report.

Thanks to Kody team for all their work. Hope these issues will be fixed.
Should i open a ticket for the mp4 subtitles issue ?
Just give me a test file.
I overwrote you sample while trying to cut out a part. However the commit/pr that causes this problem is .
I can only guess that it's a problem with your encoder or with that code change. With ffplay the subs are displayed btw.

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Several issues0