unoffical repro cannot activate it

I need rsync on my openElec 5.0.8 on raspi 2. I found out that I need to activate the unoffical repository . I found

I can follow this guide until the second last step where I need to get this menu with the install button. I simply don't get this button/screen. In the screen before I clicked on the entry with the left or right mouse button, but nothing happens. How can I acitvate/install the unofficial repro?

Thanks, K.
Welcome to the forum. If it's not auto adding, something could be wrong with your system. We may need more details.
Easiest...reinstall OE.
Harder...ftp into you system and drop it in. WinSCP should do it.
Hopefully he sorted this out 3 months ago. Wink

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unoffical repro cannot activate it0