re direct kodi userdata folders under openelec
I have a wetek play running PBnigma (enigma2) which (if I am correct) runs kodi over openelec, it all runs from SD.
I previously ran the wetek on android and configured the userdata folders to be read from my 1Tb USB HDD usning the file.

i'm having trouble finding how to re direct the userdata folders in the same way under openelec,?

can anyone help?

Many Thanks
The use of is an android hack - if you're running openelec you have 2 main options...
1. Use an advancedsettings.xml file in the userdata folder to define path substitutions.
Look in the wiki for details, but it's fairly straightforward.
2. Edit your sd card to point to an ext4 partition on your usb drive. Obviously you'd have to make that partition, and stick whatever you have now in the storage partition on your sd card in there (or start from scratch).
Option 1 is much simpler, and will probably give you what you want - just moving the 'thumbnails' folder to usb can make a huge difference.
Thanks Trogggy, thats a big help :-)

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re direct kodi userdata folders under openelec0