Can't Watch Recorded TV Shows
I am running Gotham on a Win7 dedicated HTPC, using a Ceton 4-tuner card and ServerWMC and Windows Media Center Client PVR to watch TV. I have a Raspberry Pi running OSMC in another room, which accesses content off the HTPC via Ethernet. It generally works.

However, if I record a show from the OSMC client, I have to restart XBMC to watch the recording on the HTPC -- and vice-versa. This only affects recorded TV shows.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance . . .
Win10 64-bit
Kodi 20.1 / Mimic-LR
Are you accessing these recordings through the kodi TV interface (i.e. pvr.wmc)? Because it sounds like you are accessing them through a kodi source folder instead.
Windows Media Center PVR addon (pvr.wmc) and server backend (ServerWMC)
krusty - thanks for the response, but I'm not sure -- how do I tell? I do know that I am using ServerWMC pvr client on both XBMC and OSMC, both connecting to ServerWMC running as a Win7 app/service.
Win10 64-bit
Kodi 20.1 / Mimic-LR
From the main menu in Kodi, and you finding your recordings by doing:
Windows Media Center PVR addon (pvr.wmc) and server backend (ServerWMC)
Yup. Both XBMC and OSMC.
Win10 64-bit
Kodi 20.1 / Mimic-LR
Can you provide more specific details about what the problems are?

EG when you say you cant view a recording on client B that was scheduled by client A do you mean that you can see the item in the list but when you try to play it it doesnt work? Or do you mean that the item never appears in the list on the other client?

It doesnt matter what client requests a recording to happen, all recordings are made by WMC on the backend. Are you sure the problem isnt more along the lines that you cant play a newly created recording on ANY client until a recording list refresh happens?

Are you using any NAS or just the HDD of the ServerWMC machine?

ServerWMC log and kodi debug log from when the problem occurs would be useful to see
pvr.wmc TV addon and ServerWMC Backend Development Team
scarecrow - thanks for the response, comments within (==>):

EG when you say you cant view a recording on client B that was scheduled by client A do you mean that you can see the item in the list but when you try to play it it doesnt work? Or do you mean that the item never appears in the list on the other client? ==> The former. On client A I can see the recording made on client B, but nothing happens when I select it (and vice-versa).

It doesnt matter what client requests a recording to happen, all recordings are made by WMC on the backend. Are you sure the problem isnt more along the lines that you cant play a newly created recording on ANY client until a recording list refresh happens? ==> There could be timing element -- now that I think about it, in each case the symptoms occur when the recording was made earlier in the same day *but* I the symptoms don't appear for old recordings. In fact, if I stop watching on client A and pick up the same recording on client B, I am asked if I want to pick up at the time mark or from the beginning.

Are you using any NAS or just the HDD of the ServerWMC machine? ==> Just the HDD and LiveTV folder of the ServerWMC machine

ServerWMC log and kodi debug log from when the problem occurs would be useful to see ==> I can capture those later if necessary.
Win10 64-bit
Kodi 20.1 / Mimic-LR
As scarecrow420 said, it's a recording refresh problem. Play an older recording for a second or two then stop it, after that you should be able to play the new recording
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Dilligaf - thanks, I'll test that out this evening.
Win10 64-bit
Kodi 20.1 / Mimic-LR
If a recording shows up in the recording list it should play when you click it - you shouldn't need to play an old recording first. Not sure, but this sounds like the same problem @advocate99 has been complaining about for a while now. If it is, he says it only happens with samba paths. Hopefully he will chime in.
Windows Media Center PVR addon (pvr.wmc) and server backend (ServerWMC)
I set recording timers on OSMC and XMBC, and lo and behold I could play the 'native' recording on the 'host' device, but I couldn't play the 'remote' recording until *after* it was first played on the 'host' device.

And yep I'm using samba paths.

Dang it.
Win10 64-bit
Kodi 20.1 / Mimic-LR
There has to be a fix for this. I have tried to reproduce it before but can't, I assume because all my machines are windows, but that will change soon. When you can, can you detail your steps to make this happen? It's repeatable right?
Windows Media Center PVR addon (pvr.wmc) and server backend (ServerWMC)
Yep - frustratingly repeatable (but definitely a first-world-problem). The Rasberry Pi kits are only ~$60 on Amazon, and the OSMC download is easy enough that I got it to run (I don't speak Linux and barely speak Windows).

When in 'Live TV' on OSMC, I can pull up the Channel Guide, select a program, set to record and it does. The recording shows under 'Recordings' on the XBMC machine, but it won't play *until and unless* it was first played on the OSMC machine.

When in 'Live TV' on XBMC, I can pull up the Channel Guide, select a program, set to record and it does. The recording shows under 'Recordings' on the OSMC machine, but it won't play *until and unless* it was first played on the XMBC machine.

In all cases, all records show on both machines, and will play on both machines provided it was already watched on the 'recording' machine (even with the option of picking up where you stopped when moving from one to the other while watching the same recording).

Thanks in advance . . .
Win10 64-bit
Kodi 20.1 / Mimic-LR
what happens if you try to play the recorded while it is recording? Like if you start it on the osmc machine, but try to play this active recording on the kodi machine.
Windows Media Center PVR addon (pvr.wmc) and server backend (ServerWMC)

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Can't Watch Recorded TV Shows0