Android Kodi. Mouse misalignment
Hi There!
I used Kodi on Android TV more than one year.
Last night i upgraded my 34" 720 TV to 55" UHDTV (4K).
Now ( only on Kodi) my cursor located on 4-5 position down and right .
If i close the Kodi everything fine with Android desktop.
Is it way to fix?
Thank you!!!
I'm having the exact same problem - seems to have re-surfished since 15.X ( 16.X fixed it ... although not 4k related at that time )

You can see a good video showing this exact same problem here:

It's only happening when you set Kodi to 4k res ... the mouse works correctly on 1080p

I also downgrated to Kodi 17.4, the problem exists there as well ... but it's ok on 16.0 (which only supports 1080p, hence it's ok), which I downgrated to untill this problem has been fixed with Kodi 17.x running in 4k resolution.

p.s. I've done a clean install of Kodi 17.4 and 17.5(.1) ... the 4k mouse problem exists!
I then downgrated to 16.0, and because 16.0 does not support 4k (only 1080p!) it's is OK, but as soon as I upgrated from 16 to 17 the problem appears, because then 4k support kicks in, so it's linked to this 17.X version!

The only way to get the mouse to work correctly in 4k, is to use SPMC version 16.7 - it has 4k support and the mouse works,
But I really want to be able to use the 17.X 4k versions of Kodi!

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