SMB shares Windows 10 to FireTV
Hi all, I have Kodi 15.2 Isengard sideloaded on a FireTV that I copied over from a backup with all the settings from my HTPC. It's a Windows 10 PC.
The issue I have is with the SMB sharing. I am able to access the SMB share from my Macbook and it shows all the subfolders. It also works from the HTPC itself.
On the FireTV however it stalls out, sometimes only showing a few of the subfolders and other times showing none of the subfolders in the shared folder.
I think it's an issue with the sharing, but I'm wondering if it's an issue with my home network, router or possibly even the HTPC?
Has anyone run into this similar problem?
thanks for any assistance!
I have the exact same problem. You are the first person I've found with the same problem. Any solutions yet?

Exactly same fault here.
Only this time Win10 share to G box Q.
Folders there sometimes....sometimes not!!!
With the research Ive done, I reckon it is somthing to do with Homegroups.
Are you having any issues with them? I cannot join since upgrading?

I'm sharing from Windows 10 to fire tv. The problem I had was that sharing folders from my c drive would not work. If I shared folders from an external drive it would work. The temporary fix for me was to install kodi 14.2 on my fire tv and all works. Still not sure wether it's a kodi problem or kodi and Windows 10 together
A Windows 10 update seems to have exposed a bug in Kodi's SAMBA/SMB/Windows sharing client (at least on Android?). I'm not sure if there's a work-around for the time being, but it is a known issue.
Thanks all! I'll use it as an excuse to get an SSD for my Win 10 os, and try to share from my current media drive as a secondary. Good to know its not only myself.
Good to see I'm not the only one with this issue. This issue has brought my Kodi to a standstill, as I have reset the Fire TV to defaults & OS reinstalled the serving PC running Windows 10 Pro x64, along with the uncountable hours spent on fix attempts, including reg edits, SMB versions, sharing permissions, nic drivers, router...

Two PC's were tested, one shared perfectly, & the other shared intermittently or partially. Both PC's running Windows 10 pro 1511, build 10586.71. The only obvious differences between the two PC's were the PC that shared perfectly is 32bit & legacy bios, and the inconsistent sharing PC is 64bit & UEFI.

I did verify that files on a shared external hdd shared perfectly, but not any share from the internal hdd (cSmile

When you say this is a known issue, is there a link or trouble ticket that I can follow? Otherwise, is there any new info on this issue? Thanks!
Did anyone ever figure anything out with this? I'm having the same problem.
Given this is a 5 year old thread, it's quite likely the users are MIA. Looking at the o/p it would seem the guy has taken a Windows PC back-up and installed it on an Android device... duh? @LarryE16 I doubt that is your issue! Suggest start a new thread, post a proper debug log to a paste-bin and we'll have a close look.

entertain this thread first

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SMB shares Windows 10 to FireTV0