Livestreamer + KODI (OSMC)
Hello Everyone,

I apologize in advance for any stupid questions I may have (noob here). But I've been working on a project that I am completely stuck on.

I would like to figure out how to use the built in DVDPlayer as the player for Livestreamer to watch (and control) LiveStream content from the command line.

Livestreamer seems to prefer VLC by default, but I would really rather use the built in abilities of OSMC to keep it clean.
I know I can use the Livestream Video Addon from the screen, but I really want to be able to launch it through a command line.
--- The use case for this is that in my classroom I could have pre-recorded content stored on my Raspberry Pi running OSMC. Create a playlist that plays through that content, and then automatically launches into the Livestream feed (like the Nasa feed, etc). I would like this to not require a keyboard, etc. as I may be remote when I launch this.

From looking at the files behind the Livestream addon it looks like its basically just running a python script to do this, but unfortunately I don't know Python (yet), so I was hoping there is another way to do this that I haven't thought of.

Thanks a ton in advance for help!

Best Regards,

You can run livestreamer in server mode and make kodi connect to that via a m3u file. I do this for some iptv channels. I'll find the link when i get home.
That would be awesome if you could find a link, as I'm not sure where to even start.

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Livestreamer + KODI (OSMC)0