Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
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Anyone can help me writting the best advanced settings for streaming? thanks
Streaming from where?
Always read the Wiki, FAQ and search the forum before posting.
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There's no exist a BEST advanced setting.......... you thinks to find your BEST setting BEST for you preferences.

Ah..... OSMC for example has already a default setted for optimal settings...... and do not expect miracles for there setting...........
...only on your "little world" can you lay down the law...
streaming for sopcast and acestream.. any help?
I would have made a bet that both are banned, but they aren't:

So maybe ask in this thread for specific questions to those addons.

And if the servers you are streaming from are crap, they the best setting won't help I guess. But maybe there is more info in this thread above.
(2016-01-26, 01:45)David1977 Wrote: I would have made a bet that both are banned, but they aren't:

So maybe ask in this thread for specific questions to those addons.

And if the servers you are streaming from are crap, they the best setting won't help I guess. But maybe there is more info in this thread above.

In many states It is potentially legal to have a gun but it is prohibited by law goes around killing people by this gun Smile

And in any case when someone speak about RaspBerry + Streaming service the line between legal and illegal It is really really thin......

I suggest to @Boremc to move and ask this question out of this board......
...only on your "little world" can you lay down the law...

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