Possible to set seeking preference via advanced settings?
Since Gotham onward I seem to be stuck in this forever battle with my seeking preferences.

My goal:
30 seconds forward/back on right/left press
10 minutes forward/black on up/down press

I can appreciate all the new functionality being added, especially since Isengard but i'm an old man stuck in my ways. 30 seconds seems to do the job 99% of the time and i cant justify the complexity for that 1% of the time.

First question:
In gotham and helix i would have this in my advancedsettings:

And it worked for the most part, but from time to time i would get a movie that insisted on using its own chapter breakdown rather than what i set out above, how would i get specific movie chapters ignored?

Second question:
Since Isengard i have been able to find this:
Which works BUT only if i go into the GUI settings:
Settings > Videos > Playback > Skip Delay
and turn that to 0 seconds.

Is there no way to get the original 30 second forward/back functionality from Advancedsettings only? <seeksteps> has little use if i have to then go into the UI to set the skip delay.


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Possible to set seeking preference via advanced settings?0