PM3 comes up "closed"

I religiously upgrade to the latest available builds most every week and have been experiencing this issue on and off since about two months.

I use XBMC as dash with PM3.

When I start my XBOX and XBMC boots, I only get the XBMC Logo and I have to press a button on the remote for it to "open up" and reveal the main menu.

Is this intended behaviour?

I always copy my UserData folder over from the last Installation. Could there be some setting or corrupt file in there, causing this?

Has anyone else experienced this?


I had similar issues once and it turned out all I needed to do was download from SVN instead of doing an update. Give that a shot and try a complete clean install and see what happens. If it boots fine then replace your xml files (sources etc.) one at a time and see if you can duplicate. I know this sounds a bit tedious but its basic troubleshooting. Of course if you can throw a log file up I'm certain one of the devs might have a broader insight into things.
I'm using the latest T3CH release and saw this behaviour for the first time yesterday. Only seen it the once, before and since it's behaved normally.

I have discovered that this only happens to me, when my i-one Scorpius-P20 wireless Keyboard/Mouse combo is hooked up.
The mouse cursor is visible briefly and vanishes after a second or so.

Debug log:

Hmm, I've just bought an i-One keyboard too, could well have happened when I was using that.

Ive been wandering why one of my xboxes dose this and the other one opens right up. unplugged the Scorpius-P20 and it opens right up.
My systems
xbox v1.4 160gig Seagate XBMC
xbox v1.6 80 gig Western Digital XBMC
It's the mouse, yeah.

Will see if I can add a workaround so that startup.xml ignores mouse input.
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PM3 comes up "closed"0