Wake on Lan setting help
some generic help please

Just installed tweakedwol.
I see a list of "computer1-6" MAC/Name

Now, do I input the MAC address for my router here?
Also, I have enabled WOL in my pc bios and the network adaptor settings but do I also need to set an "allow always" for inbound services to my router with the ip address of my xbox?

Help greatly appreciated!
Xbox Ver 1.0; XBMC 2.0.1; PMIII Skin
where do I save it? Do I FTP it to the scripts folder on the xbox?
And do I need to change any firewall etc settings on the router?
Xbox Ver 1.0; XBMC 2.0.1; PMIII Skin
no matter - I got it sorted!
Now I just have to work out how shutdownpc scripts/software works
Xbox Ver 1.0; XBMC 2.0.1; PMIII Skin
I use this program: http://rebelintellect.dyndns.org/RXBMCT/RXBMCTHome.html

I sent an email to the developer asking if he also kan make an option for Standbye. Get a reply an he wil look in to it.

But for know you can easly

The ability to log the PC off.
The ability to restart the PC.
The ability to shutdown the PC.

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