XBMC.PlayMedia starts video in background
Hi Devs,

I've written a program plugin in which I open a xml skin file with xbmcgui.WindowXMLDialog(),
within this window I put onclicks to start the plugin with parameters. Works so far, but if I use a parameter to run a video (XBMC.PlayMedia) the video starts, but in background, and even with the "eye" button of the yatse remote I cannot get the focus to the videoplayer, I have to close the plugin.

If I put the same onclick directly in the skin, the video starts in foreground.

So it must have something to do with the WindowXMLDialog?

Are there tripping points I get into?
Can anyone give me a hint?

Edit: I found out if I add a second onclick "<onclick>PreviousWindow</onclick>in front of the RunScript onclick the plugin ends and I have normal control over the video.
It seems that after I start the plugin within the plugin generated window it prevents losing focus by blocking in some way. During the video is running I have full control over the generated window.

regards tdoe

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XBMC.PlayMedia starts video in background0