Kodi 17 saving changes
Hi All, I am a fairly new user. upgrade from 14 to 16. My problem is when I change anything..ie...which icons I want under the menus, when I turn off kodi and then turn it back on all the changes are gone. Everything works fine until I restart...what the heck am I doing wrong Huh??
I have been getting the same problem on jarvis with a fire box and only way i could get the icons to hold were to use a different version and i just removed all the junk that was pre installed

Everything was fine even after putting it to sleep but as soon as a restart or power loss all icons i moved to under the videos and programs would just dissapear

But installing 14.2 modified kodi works fine but a lot of junk i did not want had to be uninstalled

P.s going to try another version of kodi when I get the time

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