SSH Console not work
I can't connect my PI with ssh.
I Use the SuSu.. A lot of founds.. But it was old stuff and enable ssh and and and ....

Fresh install with OE 6.0.3 . Enabled SSH:
Putty open remote, but no login prompt is coming. SSHD is running on port 22.

Install a old version of OE (5.0.8). Enabeld SSH
Ssh client open remote console and I can login in.. It works....
After installing the UPDATE ... I have the same situation as the fresh install of OE 6.0.3

If I install OE 5.0.8 und I upgrade to a milhouse test build version... Same problem..
At the sufu I found the .ssh/sshd_config are not support since 3.xxxx

Thx for your help...
has nobody any idea?
This sounds like an OpenELEC problem not specifically related to KODI, you may have more luck asking on their forums.
The SSH encryption changed between 5.08 and 6.0 (not sure at what point exactly).
Try clearing putty's cached key for that connection.
You should (hopefully!) see a prompt to store the key next time you try to connect.
Don't store the key until you're sure you won't be using 5.08 again on that pi.
It shut be a KODI Problem, because if I update to a Milhouse beta Version (Kodi 16 or KODI 17) I havce the same effect.

trogggy's hint, I try it.. but no effect.

Where can I Setup the ssh Parameters (conf file)? The file /storage/.ssh/sshd_config is not Support since 3.xxxx (I doesnt verificated)

Which SSH encryption are used? Where can I Show it? At Version 5.08 is RSA used (Puttykey rsa@.......)

thx for your help
The SSH key connection isn't kodi, it's openelec-specific.
Ask / search on their forums - there are quite a few posts with similar issues moving to 6.0 or above.
What version of putty are you using?
I believe there were security issues with older versions and the newer ssh lib in OE doesn't support it any more. Try updating putty.
Putty was a old Version.
I update now, but I only can test it later (evening)

Because I found one hint at (last msg)
to Update Putty was the reason--

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SSH Console not work0