PVR not working properly
Hey Girls and Guys,

I am using Rpi3 with the newest Raspbian and Kodi 15.2 with the PVR IPTV Simple Client version 1.11.3.

My problem is the LiveTV. There are 3 Situations:

1) Everything is working -> Perfect!
2) The Tv is buffering every 5 Seconds and thats really frustrating (Also Drop and Skip was very high while the Problem existed)-> Therefore i changed the buffering Options in AdvancedSettings.xml . I think now its working
3) When i start a Tv-Channel the Video starts playing in a fast-forward mode but the Audio keeps normal speed.
This stays for like 5 Seconds. Then the Video starts to freez once per Second and the Audio keeps working normal, but 5 Seconds behind (delayed)

The CPU is not really used all the time, the GPU hast 512MB Ram and its not an Read/Write problem with the SD-Card.
I'm out of Ideas now.
I also tried to update the PVR Client (in the git the version is 2.xxx) but i couldnt really find a tutorial for this.

Could you please help me Blush
Don't you think this could be down to the source of your streams? Are they all legal and legitimate?
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They are all legal, yes.

Maybe the second Option is their Problem. Because of that i increased BufferSize so if there Server starts to lag i still have something in the Buffer.

But Option 3 is definitly my problem, because when i use Kodi with the exact same Stream on my Notebook (Ubuntu 15.10,Kodi 16,PVR client v.1.12.10) it works perfect Undecided
Have you tried to pause LiveTV for a 1-2 seconds and see if that helps?
The "Pause" button is grey and not usable. Only the "Stop" Button is working?!
(2016-03-21, 17:52)Peter Pan89 Wrote: They are all legal, yes.

Maybe the second Option is their Problem. Because of that i increased BufferSize so if there Server starts to lag i still have something in the Buffer.

But Option 3 is definitly my problem, because when i use Kodi with the exact same Stream on my Notebook (Ubuntu 15.10,Kodi 16,PVR client v.1.12.10) it works perfect Undecided

Best thing would be to submit a debug log.
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Thx for the Link Dangelus.
I allready took a look in the LOG but i forgot to activate the Debug-Option.

I found this message repeating every second:
Using network protocols without global network initialization. Please use avformat_network_init()

Then i saw an Thread in the MXPlayer Forum with this problem and rememberd that i acitvated the MXPlayer under:
Settings -> Video -> Acceleration -> Allow hardware acceleration - OMXPlayer

I deactivated it , restarted and its working now.
But actually the second problem came back Big Grin

I now have again a lot of stuttering and the 'skip' and 'drop' rate is very high.
And my adavancedsettings.xml looks like this:

Do you have a hint for me or should i open a new Thread for this problem? ;-)
No need for a new thread, this is still open. I'd post a log for as the experts on the forums (not me) Smile
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(2016-03-21, 18:56)Peter Pan89 Wrote: Do you have a hint for me
Sure...No Debug Log (wiki) = No assistance. Plain & simple.

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PVR not working properly0