Win Removable disks not shown in Video / Files

After upgrading Kodi to 16.0 I noticed that removable disks are not shown anymore as option in the Video / Files window, while they still show, for example, in the Pictures / Files one. I tried looking at the various options but I didn't find anything related to this (I might have missed it though...), so I'm a bit wondering is this a bug of the 16.0 version.

Anything I should try? Or should I file a bug report?

Thanks in advance!
I just plugged in a USB stick and it is appearing for me. It is listed by disk name not as drive letter.
I've a DVD containing video files, if I go to Pictures I can see "D: (New)" and if I click it I can see the avi files and play them, if I go to Video/Files there's no "D: (New)" nor any "New". The weird thing here is when I plugged in a USB stick both the stick ("VERBATIM") and the disk ("D: (New)") appeared there.
It is still something specific to your setup. I have just clicked VIDEOS \ FILES and can see a D: (Audio CD) and MEM-STICK both listed. Same for PICTURES and MUSIC sections. I even swapped to a BluRay disk as a test. Still recognised and named as D: (The Martian) in the list. Ditto when I put a data disk in, still picked up.

So not sure what is happening on your setup. Time to play with debug logs? See if there is a clue in there. Some video related add-on is up to something?
Hard to say what the problem is. Sometimes the disk is seen by Kodi, sometimes not. But in all the cases the OS sees the disk correctly. And there's nothing in the log explaining why, no error messages of any kind (even with the debug logging enabled). I can just say that I never had this problem with any previous version of Kodi, it started happening only after upgrading it to 16.

I can provide the log if someone wants to have a look...

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Removable disks not shown in Video / Files0