Kodi for windows crashes before it does anything
HI i was bought a kodi box for christmas and just found out i can put it on my PC too.....yaaaay.
So i downloaded the relevant files form Kodi.tv installed it and when i try to use it the startup 'Jarvis 16.0' screen comes up and then it just says its stopped working.
I have more than enough hardware to run the software but i cant figure out why it wont open


im running:

windows 7 professional
8gb ram
1Tb HD
2.4ghz Quad core
Nvidia Geforce GT610 graphics card

many thanks
There's a Jarvis 6.1RC that might have your fix, try that. It's possible your system doesn't have a flavour of DX11 that Kodi likes, or your graphic driver likes better. I'm kinda limited to blind suggestions, install everything as administrator. You may need to provide a proper debug log posted to a public paste-bin and linked back to this thread. Log file/Advanced (wiki)

1.2 Turn on debugging using a file (advancedsettings.xml)

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Kodi for windows crashes before it does anything0