[Bug 17 Krypton] No AC3 Audio.( Please acknowledge updates)
I tried 17 development build yesterday and I love the interface. Great work.Smile

My concern is how pass through audio (AC3 and DTS) have changed. On ver 16 I was involved with capturing data for the one second audio drop out every 5 seconds on my Android TV.

Moving on, I found with the latest build of 17 I have no AC3 or DTS pass through audio at all. Also AC3 transcoding does not work.

Before I get into more discussion or debugging, is this feature still in development or a known bug.?

No bug. Both work as expected. Most likely you have "Sync playback to display" enabled which disable Passthrough automatically as this combination makes no sense at all.

Without a Debug Log only speculations can happen.

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This is a Kodi Version 17 (development) Bug

I have "Sync playback to display" disabled. The NO pass through audio problem is only on Kodi Ver 17. I get pass-through audio on ver 16. (Only 80% of the time, but that is another bug in the form I have been involved with reference http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=235305&page=3)

I up loaded logs at http://xbmclogs.com/pzecwjxtn for ver 16 and http://xbmclogs.com/pndxqziig for ver 17

Logs from 17 and 16. Video is played a few seconds with pass-through enabled a few seconds disabled the re-enabled for a few second. No Pass-through audio on ver. 17 and audio 80% of the time on version 16

Hi. Is there anyone out there? It would be nice to have some acknowledgment about this Krypton 17 bug. I think no AC3 pass-through audio might be a big deal.

I am trying to help the developers by catching bugs early in the development. This is definitely a ver 16 function that is now broken on the latest version 17 builds on my system. I have done a back to back comparison and provided logs.

Please help me get this message to the Krypton developers.

Logs are gone. What device?
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I will repost them now . Please wait about an hour.
Here they are again. One for ver 17 and one for ver 16 . Audio pass through is on for a few seconds then off for a few seconds then on again.

Non Pass through audio is OK. Pass through Audio on version 16 is about 80% ok but on 17 there is no pass through at all.

Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help.


Krypton http://xbmclogs.com/pfqigex25
Jarvis http://xbmclogs.com/pitn153tl
As I suspected, rockchip box.
May I suggest using it as a paperweight?
Search the forum and find our general opinion that you shouldn't buy rockchip boxes.
We removed all hacks and will on support the official audio way and rockchip doesn't follow that.
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Thanks for the information. I will remember that in my next purchase.

It is disappointing that Kodi wont work with this device. All the other Android Media players with pass-through support I tried work fine on my device. So at least I have alternatives for playing my surround sources.


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[Bug 17 Krypton] No AC3 Audio.( Please acknowledge updates)0