Android Upgrade KODI version 16.0 beta
Trolled the web and these forums. I found a lot of older help so I wanted to make sure prior to upgrading.

I use an android box (Raynictv model). It is using 5.1.1 android. I have KODI version 16.0 beta.

From what I have read I want to backup the .kodi directory prior to upgrading Kodi. I understand that I want to use file manager and rename .kodi to (example) .aaakodi. Then upgrade. Once upgrade is complete go back in file manager and rename the newly created .kodi to (example) .upgraadedkodi. Then I rename the prior .kodi directory back to .kodi.

Does this sound correct?

By doing the rename will I retain all repositories and add ons?

Latest examples I found was for kodi 15 hence why I ask.

I am new to this so I wanted to make sure before I go and mess something up. Am I missing something or off base?
The upgrade shouldn't affect the installed addons etc, unless you uninstall/remove the old version before putting the new one on.

Doing the rename is basically resetting the installation back to a vanilla one temporarily, as that's the folder where Kodi stores all of its settings and add-ons etc.

If you're feeling paranoid, rather than renaming that folder, make a copy of it and then if something does go wrong you've got all your set-up backed up and safe. You can either restore it or roll back and restore what you had before.
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Thank you. I appreciate you taking the time to answer.

So on my raynice tv box when I first fire it up, prior to going into jarvis, I see upgrade Kodi. I am thinking I go into that and let it run. Will find out tomorrow when I get time to do this. being a computer person I am OCD about keeping things uip to date.
Then the backing up of the .kodi folder before attempting it should also be second nature too Wink
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Upgrade KODI version 16.0 beta0