No Hardware acceleration DXVA2 Kodi Jarvis on Windows 10
Hello guys,

It seems like since the upgrade to Kodi Jarvis on Windows 10, DXVA2 is not available anymore although i have the option checked.

Is there an explanation or fix for this issue?

Appreciate your help.
We need your Debug Log without that no help possible.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
Here you go, DXVA2 Log

It seems that i am mistaken, i was checking the log file DXVA is available as i understood, correct me if i'm wrong.

but it supposed to show when pressing "O" while playing a video file, right?
DXVA decoder works (from your log file). when pressing "O" while playing a video file you should see decoder name with dxva postfix.
Yeah i can see from the log that its working, but what confused me is that while playing there is no DXVA postfix.

Anyway it's working, thanks for your help Big Grin

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No Hardware acceleration DXVA2 Kodi Jarvis on Windows 100