Kodi 16.1 Windows installer error
When I download and try to install the new version of Kodi for Windows on windows 10 after launching the installer as administrator (or just double clicking and choosing run same thing happens) I get an error that I have taken a screenshot of.



downloading from http://mirrors.kodi.tv/releases/win32/ I can install it but it gives a Smart screen warning that I had to show more options and tell it to run anyway.
Reason might com from Virus Protection or some sort of Download Accelerator, which modfies the file.
https://kodi.tv/download/ - I took it from here - no problem with this at all.

this is not a Kodi Problem, IMHO
My Equipment:
HTPC (i7-8700K 3.7 GHz, 32 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD) Windows 10 with Kodi 18.6 & Central SQL DB (Maria DB)
AVR Emotiva RMC-1 & AMP Emotiva XPA9-Gen3, TV LG OLED 65 E6, BD oppo UDP-203, Speaker Revel Performa3 F208 / F206 / C208 / Nubert WS-14 for Atmos/DTS.x)
NAS Synology DS1817+ / DX-517/DX513 (4x8 TB RAID5 + 2 x 5x6TB in RAID5)
Downloaded several times myself from https://kodi.tv/download/, and each time was corrupted (file did not complete download...)
Also tried http://mirrors.kodi.tv/releases/win32/ ... better (downloaded more of the file), but still no joy. Ended up downloading with Linux.... (Windows version of file, for a Windows install)
Again, Windows10, not using any downloaders, using Chrome, and at around the same time downloaded several other files without problems...
And, yes Windows does give a warning about the "validity" of the file, when it hasn't downloaded completely.
Not complaining, just a heads up..
Have the same problem. 16.0 works fine, 16.1 no joy.

Have you guys changed to a different host / uploaded to a new server? Would be interesting to see if it works from another host..
I would be more concerned who nsis.sf.net is and why they are monitoring the downloads on your PC?

Hang on - that is Sourceforge. Why are you downloading KODI from there? They are notorious for messing around with installers and adding junk you don't need. Always safest to get your KODI installer from kodi.tv and not a Google Search.

If you get a "Smart Screen" warning from Windows this means you are using Edge or Internet Explorer to download. Microsoft keeps a list of commonly downloaded files. If not many people have downloaded a specific file then the "Smart Screen" warning basically warns you that the file hasn't been download much. Doesn't mean it is good or bad, just a warning that you are one of the first people downloading this copy of the installer.
Help! I have tried everything and keep getting the ERROR: Unable to create application. Exiting

This is for Kodi Jarvis 16.1 - this happened after my PC updated to Windows 10 (without asking gahhhhh!!)

I have tried upward of 30+ times to delete profiles.xml, but every time I go to start Kodi again the file reappears in the userdata folder and I get the same error message

I am going mad!! Hours so far! Any help would be greatly, greatly appreciated!!!
**RESOLVED!!! Solution found here:


I didn't do the first step (dxsetup) because I don't know what that is, but downloaded 7-zip, extracted the download file to a folder I made on my desktop, found $TEMP folder mentioned in post and repaired the three files mentioned by running as administrator - Kodi opened no problem Smile

Hope this helps Radar!

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Kodi 16.1 Windows installer error0