Server Sleep while PVR Client Awake?
Hey all -

The WMC PVR setup has been a lifesaver - I love how seamlessly everything works. One thing that I cannot figure out is how to have my clients (which are low power RPi2 boxes) stay awake without constantly sending a WOL packet to my Server (a power hungry HTPC box).

Ideally, I'd like to have my Client boxes only spin up the server when a PVR action is requested - ie. an EPG is loaded, a channel is started, etc.

Is there a way to do this? I've played around with both the client and server settings and can't seem to find the right combination.
You mean wake-on-access, rather than a straight wake-on-lan ?

This thread may give you some ideas.
Learning Linux the hard way !!
You can turn off the WOL that pvr.wmc sends by changing it's add-on configuration, but I don't think that is what you want. I don't think the problem is the WOL signal, rather that windows on the server keeps the server awake because it sees that the client is accessing the network share (i.e. the rec tv folder). You can verify this by using the powercfg -requests command on the server when its not sleeping due to the client, it will show that its not sleeping due to something called like \FileSystem\srvnet.

If that's your problem, you can find a number of ways to address it by googling sleep and srvnet. If you find a solution you like, please post it here as this question comes up from time to time but I have never looked into the fix myself.
Windows Media Center PVR addon (pvr.wmc) and server backend (ServerWMC)

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Server Sleep while PVR Client Awake?0