Lockup during Slideshow Screensaver
I can repro this at will...

I store pics on an open share (guest access, no username/pw needed) have my PC. I have XBMC use this for the screensaver (I just started using this feature 1 week ago). XBMC hard locks when the share gets interrupted (i.e. PC reboot, router reboot, etc)

here's the last few lines of the log...

21:08:17 M: 31084544 WARNING: CUtil::GetMatchingShare... no matching source found for [F:\]
21:11:19 M: 35598336   ERROR: SMBDirectory->GetDirectory: Unable to open directory : 'smb://office/photos/Reef%20Tank/2007-01-02'
                             unix_err:'d' nt_err : 'c0000022' error : 'Access denied'
21:30:41 M: 36270080 WARNING: CUtil::GetMatchingShare... no matching source found for [F:\]
21:30:51 M: 36216832 WARNING: CUtil::GetMatchingShare... no matching source found for [F:\]
21:34:02 M: 35401728   ERROR: SMBDirectory->GetDirectory: Unable to open directory : 'smb://office/photos/Reef%20Tank/2007-01-02'
                             unix_err:'d' nt_err : 'c0000022' error : 'Access denied'
I'm not an expert but I play one at work.
Without more of it it's hard to tell anything.

Please post logs in full.
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Lockup during Slideshow Screensaver0