Sqeuaky sound when playing 24fps avi's
I have a PAL softmodded xbox and am using the latest XBMC. If I play a PAL 25fps avi file all is well but if I try playing a file that is 24 fps TV rip I get the most awful constant squeaky sound. It's like there is a nest of mice in the TV. I am using the analog sound option.

Could anyone confirm why this is and perhaps refer me to a build where this is functioning normally?

many thanks (and congrats on the best piece of software I have ever used).


BUG Fixed try search or get a new mplayer.dll from svn either is good
Sorry for a bit of a noobish question, but how does one go about getting this mplayer.dll?

Thanks, Tom
thanks for the replies. Tom: look in the bug forums and there is a thread about really bad audio. You can download the mplayer.dll there. ;o)
Thanks, got it. Hopefully it's fixed now :==Big Grin
Great software by the way, who needs some expensive D-Link rubbish Rofl

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Sqeuaky sound when playing 24fps avi's0