Still experiencing font problems
It's simply due to name changes (case sensitivity) being required in SVN.

Once we standardize the case sensitivity it should be OK to run from SVN.
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I still wouldn't run from source tree after that, don't need it littered with the files XBMC creates. The build script makes it easy enough to not run it there anyway.
At least, I would NEVER do it, if I had write access to svn! Wink (But I have not. Nod)
ln -s /home/banana/XBMC/userdata /home/banana/XBMC/UserData

franco font:
cp /home/banane/XBMC/skin/Project\ Mayhem\ III/fonts/FrancophilSans.ttf /home/banane/XBMC/media/Fonts/

btw make sure your user you run the program as (mrkrad for me) is the same user you are building with so perms are cool. ie don't sudo su - and build everything, then just nail the XboxMediaCenter from your GNOME and it should pop. or run it from terminal.
I give up... No
I had font problems as described here. I updated the svn today and copied the font as suggested and things are working again. Thanks.

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Still experiencing font problems0