Win Kodi v16.1 Install - issues with Milkdrop and PVR

Over the last month or so I have tried repeatedly to get Kodi v16.1 “Jarvis” to see my TV card without much success. It is a Hauppauge HVR-HD-1110 PCI card (using drivers from 2014) and I am running Windows 10.

I have tried installing a "complete" install from the most recent official release of the install MSI; no matter how I installed it the TV options simply did not appear. I also tried the factory reset plugin and restore all settings, repair install... still no PVR options. I added every repo known to mankind and searched for PVR add-ons through them, and couldn't see ANY of the ones that I know are definitely provided in the main setup.

But I finally had luck yesterday with the nightly build - I repeated the same setup sequence, blew away everything related to Kodi and installed it fresh to a newly created target folder (C:\KODI).

This time, both the complete and custom install processes created the repo fine, and although I wouldn't say the process to enable them was intuitive, it does work.

I don't know if anyone else has had this issue but even if I ensure Milkdrop visualization is included in the install, it doesn't work. But I can solve that very quickly by installing Milkdrop 2 from repo, and setting that as the visualization; after I've done that then the visualization plugin works properly.

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Kodi v16.1 Install - issues with Milkdrop and PVR0