Kodi 16.1 Windows 10 No DTS audio decoded

First of all, thanks for this great app!
I'm posting here because after some days playing around and googling, I'm not able to fix my issue.
I have a NUC6i5SYH, Windows 10 Pro, latest drivers from Intel, connected to a Sony Bravia TV using HDMI cable,
The issue I'm having is, no matter which options I choose in audio settings, directshow or WASAPI, passthrough or not, 2.0 or 5.1, mkv files with DTS audio have no audio output at all. Also, I always have a red "Mute" or "No SOund" icon on upper right corner. AAC audio works fine. My TV rejects passthrough for DTS, as expected, but AAC passthrough works fine.
The same happens with latest 17 beta, which I tried some days ago, just in case.

The same file plays correctly in VLC for exapmple.

Any ideas? Something I'm doing wrong?
I also installed Kodibuntu, and there the same file has sound, using AAC passthrough.

Thanks and regards,

Wow, looks like I'm the only one facing this issue...
Your problem description is confusing, as you say you get sound from AAC file however this is impossible if you have the red "Mute" icon on screen. Please take a screenshot of your audio settings then upload it to somewhere like imgur then post the link to it here, and also provide a debug Log_file (wiki) of you playing a mkv with DTS.

Yes, it ay sound confusing, but that's what's going on. The red mute icon is there, and in fact i dont have any UI sounds.
Say for example I have it configured for DirectX output, or WASAPI, with or without passthrough, as I have tested all combinations and I have the same result.
The same movie has DTS-ES audio track, and AAC audio track. The DTS track just doesn't came up, if I choose when running the AAC track, it starts having sound.

Anyway, now I started with a fresh windows 7 ultimate deploy, and after installing the intel drivers, it works as expected, so it looks like its a problem in windows 10 or in any of the drivers in windows 10.

I will post more information later, as I plan to install win10 over this win7, and see how it goes.



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Kodi 16.1 Windows 10 No DTS audio decoded0