Best / Optimal Video Settings for Live TV
I'm looking at getting another Pi (2 or 3), but this time purely for Live TV via tvheadend (mpeg2 SD and h.264 HD).

What are the best video settings for the Pi for these channels - OMX or MMAL, and which is the best deinterlacing mode (I watch a fair amount of sport, so this is important).

I'm a bit out of date with the RPi, so any advice is greatly appreciated
I am really looking forward to the answers. My Live TV was perfect with LibreElec on my Pi2 using Kodi 17 and MMAL until last week. I tried OMX and it was fine except the menu is very sluggish and fast forward doesn't work very well. I just updated to the newest dev and hope the MMAL issues have been worked out.
I've done a bit of playing since my post earlier. Currently on latest Milhouse and MMAL seems ok, bit odd at start of video but settles down after that. I'm using MMAL Advanced for deinterlacing which seems ok.

Will do a bit more playing, but interested to hear anyone elses thoughts.
I'm using the latest libreelec milhouse build #715 with omxplayer off and mmal on advanced mmal deinterlacing and sync to display off.

With this setup i have no issues watching live tv.

I installed tv headend on a seperate odroid C1+.

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Best / Optimal Video Settings for Live TV0