Android All subtitle addons have stopped working for me
Hi all. I've been using KODI for some time, and currently use the latest version with a Sony Android TV. Just recently I cannot use the subtitle fetching addons.. They all display "error searching for subtitles", so matter which one I choose.

Local subtitles work fine, but strangely (but perhaps coincidentally) I've noticed lots of files say they have "local subtitles available" when in fact they do not.

I have had some recent internet problems, but they are solved to the point that, for example, the YouTube app for the TV works absolutely fine, fast as can be and displays results perfectly. I'm currently using Google's DNS, but that seems to have had no effect with the subtitle issue.

Any ideas would be great – I have tried reinstalling KODI and the sub addons, to no avail. I've also tried selecting a local save location, instead of "next to file".. this did seem to help for 1 or 2 files, but it now doesn't work no matter which option I choose.

Apologies for not being able to post a log.. not sure how to do that from my TV (maybe someone can point me in the right direction). Unfortunately I'm unable to work out if the subtitle issue is related to my internet connection, an Android issue, or something else..

Many thanks

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All subtitle addons have stopped working for me0